Thursday 19 March 2015

30.3 & 30.4 Assessment Review

Our assessment on the 11th of March went very well on the whole but there are still ways that we can improve and ways that I can improve. Almost all of the songs themselves I played almost as well as I thought I could have and on overall I thought the transitions between songs were pretty fluid. One time there was quite a large gap between two songs where we were just awkwardly standing around but that’s because we thought the production arts students needed to sort something out before we could continue.

Now I’ll start talking about what went wrong as a band and ways that we can improve for next time (26th March). The most glaring issue is that we hadn't finished writing one of our four originals and instead of having a concrete structure we all just improvised around the 12-bar blues in G and when it came to finishing the song it was very abrupt and awkward. We have been working on a more solid structure and Emily has been writing lyrics so that next time around we will have a finished song like we should have had. Another issue we had is that we had to restart ‘Teenagers’ because Emily got the key wrong and called for us to stop and try again. It had only been about 5 seconds but having a false start really isn't ideal and since then Emily has sorted this out so next time there won’t be any false starts. I know there wasn't really a crowd but I think that we need to interact a little bit more and at least just say what we’re playing before each song. Normally that would be Emily’s job but there definitely are songs which Emily doesn't sing so Matt, Ben, Tim or I should really address the audience and tell them what’s happening.

Next, I’ll talk about issues that I personally had and how I’m going to deal with those. To be honest, the only real problem that I had was that I hadn't thought of an easy way to deal with changing guitars. My new strat isn't particularly happy with being tuned down to Drop D tuning for the two heavier songs in our setlist and would require a lot of onstage tuning to settle into the new tuning. Instead I thought it would be better to just change guitar but I realise that the way in which I implemented that wasn't as professional or speedy as it could have been. I’m definitely going to look into alternative options like having someone there to physically hand my second guitar to me as I give them my first one, or perhaps having a guitar stand to the side of stage or something. Either way, the changeover will be quicker and less noticeable.

So overall I’d rate the performance something like 8/10 which is a respectably high score but there is a solid 20% room for improvement next time round.

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